Our Mission

It was clear from the research we conducted that our maternity system is broken.

We have a postnatal depression epidemic, with suicide being the leading cause of maternal death in the developed world.

Birth trauma is rampant.

We have incredibly high intervention rates in birth, yet research shows that this is not leading to better outcomes for mothers and babies.

Globally, we are losing connection and trust in one of the most transformative, powerful, primal and pivotal rites of passage we will ever undertake in our lives.

We live in a time where it has become normal to disregard the importance of a woman’s/persons experience of birth. It is not widely known that our birth and birthing experiences deeply impact the way we navigate the world.

Improving women’s/peoples experience of birth helps them set up a stronger bond with their babies, decreases their risk of postnatal depression and encourages them to trust their maternal instincts when it comes to mothering their children. Care, connection, respect and trust begin with the mother baby bond.

We made the documentary as an initial catalyst to educate, motivate action and instigate change.

Birth Time is also an education platform about changing the current politics, practice and funding of maternity care across the world.

It’s an education resource and hub that aims to bring people together so we can: 

  • shine a light on our current maternity system,
  • educate women and pregnant people about different maternity services that are available to them, 
  • help people understand they have a choice, 
  • and to share information about new and evolving midwifery models of care.

Through this Birth Time platform, we hope to educate, inspire and motivate young women, pregnant women and people, mothers, partners, grandparents, family, birth workers, midwives, doctors, policy makers, politicians, organisations and corporations to be the voice for change.

When we improve women’s/peoples experiences around birth, we change the world.

Individually it can be difficult for our voices to be heard, but together we can be deafening!

It was clear from the research we conducted that our maternity system is broken.

We have a postnatal depression epidemic, with suicide being the leading cause of maternal death in the developed world.

Birth trauma is rampant.

We have incredibly high intervention rates in birth, yet research shows that this is not leading to better outcomes for mothers and babies.

Globally, we are losing connection and trust in one of the most transformative, powerful, primal and pivotal rites of passage we will ever undertake in our lives.

We live in a time where it has become normal to disregard the importance of a woman’s experience of birth. It is not widely known that our birth and birthing experiences deeply impact the way we navigate the world.

Improving women’s/peoples experience of birth helps them set up a stronger bond with their babies, decreases their risk of postnatal depression and encourages them to trust their maternal instincts when it comes to mothering their children. Care, connection, respect and trust begin with the mother baby bond.

We made the documentary as an initial catalyst to educate, motivate action and instigate change.

Birth Time is also an education platform about changing the current politics, practice and funding of maternity care across the world.

It’s an education resource and hub that aims to bring people together so we can: 

  • shine a light on our current maternity system,
  • educate women and pregnant people about different maternity services that are available to them, 
  • help people understand they have a choice, 
  • and to share information about new and evolving midwifery models of care.

Through this Birth Time platform we hope to educate, inspire and motivate young women, pregnant women and people, mothers, partners, grandparents, family, birth workers, midwives, doctors, policy makers, politicians, organisations and corporations to be the voice for change.

When we improve women’s/peoples experiences around birth,
we change the world!

Individually it can be difficult for our voices to be heard, but together we can be deafening!

One Woman, One Midwife

If all women/people could choose to work in partnership with one midwife who provided them with continuity of care throughout their entire pregnancy, birth and postnatal period, more women/people could emerge from their births physically well and emotionally safe.

One Woman,
One Midwife

If all women/people could choose to work in partnership with one midwife who provided them with continuity of care throughout their entire pregnancy, birth and postnatal period, more women/people could emerge from their births physically well and emotionally safe.

Name Your Midwife

Post a photo on Instagram with your midwife and tag


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"Top-level evidence in the world now says: women need to have a midwife they know provide their care during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period."
~Professor Hannah Dahlen

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Our Mission
Trauma Resources

The Birth Time Hub

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