The BESt Results

We held a Live Event on Monday 8 May 2023 to celebrate International Day of the Midwife with panelists:

- Prof Hannah Dahlen AM
- Dr Hazel Keedle (PHD)
- Bashi Kumar Hazard
- Hon. Emma Hurst MP

The evening included:

- An update from the Birth Time team 

- Screening of the international multi-award winning film, Birth Time: the documentary

- A conversation with the panelists discussing the findings from the BESt survey and what action is being taken as a result

What was the BESt survey?

Birth Time and Western Sydney University collaborated in a Nation wide survey that was made available in seven different languages, post the launch of the award winning film, Birth Time: the documentary.

It became known as 'The BESt survey', standing for:
The Birth Experience Study survey.

Women who had given birth in Australia in the last 5 years were invited to participate with the research seeking to understand the positive and negative birthing experiences women are having in Australia.

Over 7,000 women participated - one of the largest studies in Australia. The findings were recently collated which were shared at our Live Event!

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